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Design Reviews | Customer Personas | Experience Principles


Your customers’ needs and ambitions are at the heart of your business success. Un-tap your teams understanding of your customers through our collaborative workshops to put them at the heart of your business strategy.

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The Design Business persona design workshops can enrich your understanding and perspective of your customer’s needs and ambitions. Our customer personas become members of your team; they offer an objective perspective on the benefits of all customer experience developments.



First, we help you established the type of people who are your key customer groups. We do this in a one-hour persona group workshop; three persona types are selected to created detailed individual persona’s.



Building a detailed understanding of your customers’ needs and challenges will ensure you can design and tailor your customer experience to fit.

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Put your customers at the heart of your business.

Customer experience on and offline has never been more important. We can help you refine, evolve or reimagine your business this year and beyond.


Based in Windsor


Give Us a Call

07428 100 853

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